At Teleflora, we know that a truly exceptional gift of flowers relies on expertise and attention to detail. That's why every gift from Teleflora is personally designed by a florist in your recipient's neighborhood and arrives artistically arranged in a vase. This means that unlike other flowers shipped in boxes from one location, there's no risk of damage or dehydration. Your gift of fresh, premium flowers will last longer and will arrive ready to be enjoyed. Every Teleflora gift is hand-delivered by an industry professional, in most cases, the day you place the order. The Teleflora difference means that you can send flowers with the confidence that you're sending the best.
The flower shops featured in Teleflora's network are selected for their outstanding quality, expertise, and reliability. We work closely with the florists in our network to ensure that each maintains our high standards for excellence in design, care, service, and delivery.
Have a question? Need assistance? We're at your service. Call us anytime, day or night, at (800)-493-5610.
It only takes a few minutes to register with Teleflora, but once you do, you'll save time on future visits, and you'll be able to enjoy a variety of special services.
As a registered member of Teleflora, we will make your checkouts quick and easy by filling in your billing information for you.
Each time you send a gift, we automatically add the recipient's name and information to your address book. The next time you shop, you'll find those names in a convenient pulldown menu at checkout. To add new names or update information for current recipients, just click on My Account at the top of any page.
Our Gift Reminder service alerts you to your family's, friend's and associate's special occasions with an email that includes gift suggestions customized for the recipient. To access and update your Gift Reminder, click on My Account at the top of any page.
When you sign up for our email newsletters, you'll receive regular updates about new gift ideas and advanced notice about special promotions and offers.
When you register with Teleflora, you automatically become eligible for special promotions and offers. If you're not yet a member, register now and receive information about upcoming promotions and offers.
Every Teleflora gift bouquet is personally hand-delivered by an industry professional, and, in most cases, can arrive the same day you place your order.
To assure same-day delivery, please place your order before 2:00 pm, Monday-Friday, before 12:00 pm on Saturdays, or before on Sunday in the recipient's time zone.
Some occasions catch you by surprise but others are on your calendar months in advance. To help you plan ahead, we offer you the ability to place your order up to three months prior to the occasion, for no additional charge. Just select the delivery date at checkout, let us know when you'd like the gift to be delivered, and then sit back let us take care of the rest.
Many of our keepsake vases and containers are designed especially for us. By partnering with talented artists and companies well known in their field for creating and developing distinctive designs in high-quality materials, we're able to offer you unique gifts that will last a lifetime. Learn more about the distinguished partners we are proud to feature as part of the Teleflora collection.
The perfect three-in-one gift.When a gift of flowers arrives in a gift itself, your thoughtfulness will be remembered for years to come. When you see our keepsakes icon next to an arrangement it means that it will arrive in a limited-edition, custom-made keepsake, available only from Teleflora florists. Whether it's a bright, ceramic mug that can be used for morning coffee, a whimsical ceramic duck that becomes an adorable container for shampoo and other baby items, or a bright red fire engine with working tires and a chrome-plated steering wheel - the gift you send today will become a treasured container long after the flowers are gone. Shop for Flowers in a Gift.
Not sure which arrangement to select? Looking for something unlike anything else? Our Deal of the Day service allows you to request a custom bouquet personally designed by one of the talented florists in our network. Just tell us the occasion, price, and special requirements for your gift, and we'll create a one-of-a-kind bouquet.
Speed up your search for the perfect gift with our Advanced Gift Search. Simply choose from our easy-to-use pulldown menus to search by occasion, price range, color, flower, keyword or item number, and we'll zero in on the selection that best meets your preferences.
Each gift you send from Teleflora arrives with a personalized gift card. At Checkout, you can select a gift card based on the occasion, and then tell us what message you'd like to include. Or, if you could use a little help putting your thoughts into words, choose from a variety of occasion-specific messages from a handy pulldown menu, and we'll fill in the message for you.
We make it quick and easy to send multiple gifts. Whether you're sending a different gift to each address or the same gift to everyone, you can fill in each recipient's information on a single page and then enter your billing information just once.